Karen's had a terrible time this chemo round but there is good news to share. Her CEA is down to 2.9, a record low. One of our nurses (Kathy) called especially to tell us.
When Karen was first diagnosed, her CEA was 628 [LINK]. It declined on 5FU + Avastin to roughly 40. After surgery and being off chemo for a while it had gone back up to 200+. Now it's practically normal. (normal range is 0-2.5). We'll TAKE it.
This is fantastic news and signs that all the hard work Karen has put in is paying off. I am sleepless due to the wrong timezone and figured I'd be productive and share.
Thanks to all those who've emailed and sent words of encouragement. It's hard to convey without going into gory details but chemo is brutal. Brutal is not the word. And we both want to just pack it in, but random emails of encouragement and good news like this help keep things on track.
Thanks for the regular updates. Great news indeed! Hope Karen feels better now that this chemo round is complete.
- Victor and Lena
Glad to hear this encouraging news on CEA - and glad to hear you enjoyed camping. Everyone looks great in photo. Felt uneasy to hear and realise how hard chemo really is. Karen you are a shining star! -- Jim, Dublin
Wonderful news on your CEA level. Keep on keeping on. Karen you are so beautiful! It is great to be able to put a face with your blog. You are a inspiration to all of us, keep hanging in there. Chemo is tough, but your tougher!
Tami and Norm
Thanks for the blog update.It is great to hear the CEA good news.This proves "that brutal chemo." is doing it's job.Hopefully you will feel better by the time Francis returns and ye might manage another little celebration. Jo Limk.
Karen, great to hear the brilliant news re the CEA level. you're an amazing person to go through what you are going through and still have that beautiful smile and your wonderful personality. You are one of lifes true heroines and we love you dearly. Keep up the good fight! Teresa, Dublin x
HOLY MOLY!! Congrats! I'm SO HAPPY for you guys!!
Lots of LOVE,
Great to hear about the positive trend. Keep your spirits up.
Adam B.
Congrats to you both on the low CEA levels!
We are happy to hear about Karen's CEA levels. What a lovely happy photo of your family camping.
Best wishes to you all, from Paul and Clarissa Dobek
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