Thursday, July 23, 2009

Light in the Darkness is Good

Just a quick post to say my emotional and mental faculties are doing much better.

I am glad to be off of the narcotics (which were necessary at the time) but absolute hell in getting off of in terms of the withdrawal symptoms. After changing my antidepressant about 2 weeks ago and being able to finally sleep through the night I am starting to feel like a stable person again.

I thank God for every single day that I have on this earth. I am so happy to be disease free and I am physically starting to feel pretty decent. We are just gonna take the rest of the summer very slow and very easy. Our family is just gonna eat, sleep, and play. Sounds good eh?

I don't have it scheduled yet but I will have a scan at the end of August (just like my pal Adam) and hopefully our blogs, following the scan reviews, will be glowing with good news.

And Don I know your scans are first. I pray they bring nothing but beauty and that the docs see nuthin.

Much love,


luvmyhubby4ever said...

I will pray for you both that your scans are clear! My husband is having one next week. Hope all is well! God Bless!

Dennis Pyritz, RN said...

Great Blog! I have added you to my blogroll, “Cancer Blog Links” with almost 500 other cancer blogs at, a cancer networking site featuring a cancer book club, guest blogs, cancer resources and more. Please stop by and visit. If you like the site, please consider adding Being Cancer to your blogroll.
Take care, Dennis