Tuesday, September 9, 2008

More Good News

Well the summer is over but the excitement of life continues. I have been off of chemo (cpt-11) since july 11th. I am still on Erbitux (the rash stuff). I had my CEA levels done and got the call on monday. I don't usually fret over the number too much as long as they continue to go down but I was very apprehensive over this one. If my numbers went up significantly it was not only back to chemo but that also meant the tumors are more active. Well the ever lovely Kathy called and said it was 3.2! What a beautiful number. I was so stunned and so very happy. This means another whole month of freedom.

I continue to pray for everyone.



Anonymous said...

3.2….Great number….
I’m comforted by the knowledge of your kind prayers.

…and return with my own for you and yours.

FYI… I got good PET scan results yesterday.

Hold Fast

Don MacLeod

Anonymous said...

Oh yay!!! That is awesome news!

Lots of love Karen!

Anonymous said...

Terrific news Karen! Erbitux and Jesus continue to do the business! Love to all
Teresa and co. xxxx

Anonymous said...

awesome news!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

woohoo for 3.2...!

and hooray for freedom.
Kristin, G & R's mom

Anonymous said...

That's great news, you guys are in our prayers always!
with love
Bea and Robbie

Anonymous said...

Great news thanks to God and all His cohelpers(Doctors Nurses Friends and specally Fran and kids)for enabling this ouitcome.
KKeep up the courage and faith in.
The old Irish adage says "Faith and Perseverance" can do wonders.
Lovingly Jo.